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Traditional Korean clothes are called "Hanbok." It is a symbol of Korean culture. Hanbok has exquisite harmony of straight and curved lines, and covers the body lines that the person may want to conceal. The beauty of Hanbok is in the smooth curved lines of sleeves and socks. The white collar stripe keeps the balance of the outfit, and highlights the gracefulness of the clothes. Hanbok made of white ramie represents the essence of innocent and classic beauty. In order to have the elegant lines of a Hanbok outfit, you need to pay attention to your undergarments. The basic color of Hanbok is white. However, colors, material, and ways of wearing vary according to the season or occasion.

  • Hanbok for Men : jeogori (jacket), baji (trousers), and durumagi (overcoat) with a hat, belt and pair of shoes.
  • Hanbok for Women : jeogori (short jacket) with two long ribbons tied to form an otgoreum (knot), a full length, high-waist wrap-around skirt called chima, a durumagi, beoseon (white cotton socks), and boat-shaped shoes.
    Men’s Hanbok

    Men's Hanbok

    Women’s Hanbok

    Women’s Hanbok

    Celemonial Hanbok

    Celemonial Hanbok

  • Accessories for Hanbok : Norigae, an ornament you can wear on the jacket tie, Bi-nyeo, a hair pin, and various shapes of pouch bags.
  • Traditional Hanbok shoes : Dang-hye, silk shoes with embroidery, leather shoes, Namaksin for rainy days, and straw sandals.







In modern times, people wear Hanbok only on traditional holidays or for family celebrations, but recently, more practical Hanbok has been introduced, so a large number of people wear it for everyday use.


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