The way of forming a family varies depending on the time period and society. In Korea, family traditionally means the group who are related by blood, live under the same roof, and share the household. The extended family in which a couple and their married children live together with their children was the typical and traditional Korean family. It was considered good for the whole family related by blood to live together, work together on a farm, and help each other in times of difficulty. Moreover, it was thought that the young could learn from the old. Nowaday the nuclear family, which is composed of a couple and their unmarried children, is the predominant family form in Korea. Usually when the children get married, they form different households with their spouses. However, some first-born sons live with their parents and their own family.
An individual is born into a family, and begins his/her own family through marriage. The group of people related by birth or marriage are considered relatives. Koreans cherish family relationships. On traditional holidays they pay visits to their relative. When there is a rather important decision to make in the family, they talk to their family and relatives and ask for their help and advice. The family relationship can be divided into the father's side of the family, the mother's side of the family, and the spouse's side of the family.