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EPIK (English Program In Korea)|설문조사 참여
2011 EPIK ‘School Culture’ Episode Collection
2011 EPIK ‘School Culture’ Episode Collection
  Date: 2011-06-14 11:50     View: 3500  

2011 EPIK ‘School Culture’ Episode Collection


EPIK is going to collect various episodes from Guest English Teachers (GETs) and Korean Teachers (KTs) to help new GETs and KTs understand the cultural difference and school life in Korea.

We hope you share your personal experiences for the benefit of other teachers.


Please choose one from the following categories and write your own story about:

  1. -Culture shocks in your school
  2. -The most impressive moment in your school
  3. -The most difficult challenge you face in your class or school
  4. -Something that makes you feel uncomfortable in your school
  5. -Others


If your story is selected, it will be posted on to our website (Notice→School Culture) and a little compensation will be given as a token of our appreciation. For more details, please refer to the attacment.

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