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EPIK (English Program In Korea)|설문조사 참여
Online Pre orientation Notice
Online Pre orientation Notice
  Date: 2011-12-02 11:57     View: 3563  

There have been a number of reports within the past week that some EPIKers had encountered online Pre Orientation access problems. EPIK deeply regrets any inconveniences caused by this.  Our partners who administer the course are currently exploring whether or not the source originated from one of our programs.  We are committed to investigating and resolving this potential issue as soon as possible.   

If you have encountered any difficulties with your computer which you suspect may be related to the online Pre orientation course, please send an email to the following address haekyung@korea.kr

Please ensure to state your name, the problem you encountered and your contact information.

Please also add the following to the subject bar of your email: Online Pre orientation. 


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