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EPIK (English Program In Korea)|설문조사 참여
Positions for the Spring 2018 Term (positions starting in April & May)
Positions for the Spring 2018 Term (positions starting in April & May)
  Date: 2018-04-10 15:47     View: 12491  

Positions for the Spring 2018 Term (positions starting in April & May) are still available!!


Important Notices:

1. Please check your eligibility at the 'Job Description' → 'Eligibility'.
2. You can download the Spring 2018 Application attached below.

Please submit all application and initial required documentation to epikapplication@gmail.com. Applications will only be processed if sent to this address.

For the Spring 2018 Term write "Spring 2018 - [Your Name]" in the subject line of the email. Confirmation of receipt will be sent within 1 week, and you will be given information in regards to document collection and a timeline for when we expect to process applications and begin interviews.

Any questions can be sent to epik@korea.kr, Do not submit your application to this address.  Before submitting a question please read through the 'FAQ' and 'Required Documents' sections thoroughly.

*If you are interested in applying for the Spring 2018 Term, please send an inquiry email to epikapplication@gmail.com.*


Thank you for your interest in EPIK, and we hope to hear from you soon!


The EPIK Team

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