In-Service Training (Spring 2010)

Seul Gi Kim
EPIK Training Manager

Spring 2010 In-service workshops for Guest English teachers and Korean English Teachers(co-teachers) have been held since April in conjunction with 8 different Provincial or Metropolitan Offices of Education: Jeju, Chungbuk, Daegu, Gyeongbuk/Gyeongnam/Ulsan and Gwangju/Jeonbuk. The last In-service Training will be held with the Busan Metropolitan Office of Education in the mid-June. Trainings for the different Offices of Education are held in the cities in which the Offices of Education are located.
At this time, 968 teachers have participated in a Spring In-Service Training held in their region, and 345 teachers are still expected to participate in the final one in Busan.
The purpose of these In-Service Trainings are "to improve teaching skills of GETs and KETs," "to understand the role of GETs and KETs in co-teaching," "to share useful teaching methods and information," and "to discuss and find solutions to overcome difficulties in co-teaching."
The newly added Co-teaching Lesson Plan session was successfully executed during the two-day workshop for Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam and Ulsan teachers. We received positive feedback stating that it turned out to be a great pleasure to sit alongside their co-teachers creating lesson plans, sharing ideas about co-teaching lesson plans, as well as discussing other co-teaching related skills.
Whether it was one-day or two, many of the trainees said that they appreciated the productive getaway from their school in spite of its shortness and had a fruitful time understanding each other better.